Ending#4: Lost Ending | The Room 3

This is the walkthrough guide for the fourth and last ending: lost.

Check your bag and make sure you have both artifacts. One obtains from the Escape ending and another from the Release ending.
Lost portal
Enter portal and arrive at the top of the tower.

Follow our Imprisoned ending walkthrough guide to get a red beam, but do not enter the train.

Place the artifact with hexagon base on the left pedestal. Follow our Escape ending walkthrough guide to get a green beam.
Lost artifacts
Place the artifact with five-sided-shaped base on the right pedestal. Follow our Release ending walkthrough guide until you get the button on top of the artifact. Check out the front of the artifact. Locate a screw on the lens cover. Use the screwdriver to remove the screw. Slide the cover to reveal a smaller lens. Press the button.
Lost right pedestalLost front

Lost screwLost screwdriver

Lost cover
Now you will have activate three beams: red, green, blue. All pointing at the door. The door will transformed into a liquid metallic surface. Enter the portal. You have complete the Lost ending and the game!
Lost three beamsLost pathway

Lost planetLost structures

Lost doorLost complete


Ending#4: Lost Ending | The Room 3 — 5 Comments

  1. I’ve been replaying all The Room games on my new Chromebook. I really wanted to unlock all the endings this time for The Room 3.

    For whatever reason, the final step for the ‘Lost’ ending DID NOT require me to touch the button on the 5-sided artifact. Once you slide the small lens open, the animation for the ‘Lost’ doorway is triggered. If you continue to follow the instructions printed above beyond that point, you actually revert back to the ‘Release’ ending, the wooden door.

    I don’t know if it’s just on my Chromebook, but I replayed that ending so many times thinking I was doing it wrong (and in fact, I was). But maybe someone should double-check me. I DID NOT have to hit the button once the small lens was revealed. The Liquid Black door is your queue to trigger the ‘Lost’ ending. But once you ‘undo’ that door you can’t get it back and you have to “Change Your Fate” once more to get another shot at it. Can really mess you up if you are trying to speed run the game.

    • I faced a similar issue. After solving the “left” artifact, I placed the “right side” artifact in its slot, waited for the animation to raise the lenses, and took the screw driver to the front and exposed the small lense BEFORE entering the artifact from the front. After solving the puzzle inside (I ended up hating these damn things after doing them a dozen times troubleshooting this…), I was sucked back out. I did NOT push the button on top. As John noted, this seems to “reset” something or cause some manner of bug that I could never figure out how to undo once I’d hit it. By NOT hitting the button, and just looking up after you solve the light puzzle and are sucked out of the artifact, you will see an ink-like door. If you still see the wood door, something is borked… Get ready to go through the same puzzle set yet again. If you see the ink-like door, dive for it and viola… Final ending set.

      Fun fact, the ending set here is a precursor to the new (new as of this writing, anyway) VR version of The Room on the Oculus (Meta) platform.

      Happy Solving!

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