Epilogue Section 4 | The Room

Section 4

15. Maze: Follow the steps below to solve the maze. When your blue gem reaches the center, a hologram will appear. Rotate your view until you see a similar design in the background. Align the two. A second maze will activate. Complete the maze. A second hologram will appear. Again, rotate you view until you see a similar design in the background. However, you need to adjust the hologram design to match the background deign by rotating the base plate. Align the two. Watch the short animation. You have complete the Room Epilogue.

First Maze:
walk; press middle twice
walk; press middle once
walk; press middle once
walk; press middle once
walk; press middle twice
walk; press middle twice
walk; press middle once
once the gem is in place press the gem; middle will light up

Second Maze:
press middle once; walk
press middle once; walk
press middle once; walk
press middle twice; walk
press middle three times; walk
press middle once; walk
press middle once; walk
once the gem is in place press the gem; middle will light up

Maze #1
The Room Epilogue Maze1The Room Epilogue Maze2

The Room Epilogue Maze3The Room Epilogue Maze4

The Room Epilogue Maze5The Room Epilogue Maze6

The Room Epilogue Maze7The Room Epilogue Maze8

The Room Epilogue Maze9

Maze #2

The Room Epilogue Maze10

The Room Epilogue Maze11The Room Epilogue Maze12

The Room Epilogue Maze13The Room Epilogue Maze14

The Room Epilogue Maze15The Room Epilogue Maze16

The Room Epilogue Maze17The Room Epilogue Maze18


Epilogue Section 4 | The Room — 2 Comments

  1. I really enjoyed this game and am looking forward to further ones like this. I had no problems at all and used this guide only when I got really stuck (thank you to the writers). It’s not a very long game but great if you enjoy puzzles!

  2. What happened at the end? Should a video have played? I got the door through the broken lens but then I got the symbol, a load of flashing red symbols and then it went dark. No credits, nothing. Most of the videos do not play on my iPad Air

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